Martin Luther King Jr. Day

– January 18, 2021 –

The story below was shared by Tsehaia Santa Ana, Teacher – Seedlings Discovery Preschool

Our Seedlings class spent MLK Day talking about the impact that he left on the world. We specifically focused on the word kindness and what it means to show kindness, and how to share that through acts of service. As we walk through Downtown Holland on a daily basis we have noticed the presence of the homeless community. We talk about how people are all going through different life situations. 

Pillar Church was generous enough to invite their congregation to donate items to our class, small essentials like deodorant, socks, masks, etc. There was an outpouring of generosity and we ended up having piles of items! 

Seedlings then spent MLK Day in class creating our own little acts of service. Each child picked up a bag and created a goodie bag filled with various items, along with a hand drawn note that said ‘I Wish You Well’. The kids were so excited and enthusiastic about sharing their love and kindness, and getting to help someone in our community. 

It was a wonderful way to celebrate the day in a way that would create a lasting impact, and that our kids could connect to in a concrete way. Each child put together several bags, which were then later dropped off by our teachers to the Refresh Program, a partnership between First United Methodist Church and the Community Action House.